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Homeopathy: The Safest Medicine for Pregnancy and Labor - Healing with Homeopathy

Thursday, September 24, 2009 at 12:11 AM

The Safest Medicine

Homeopathy is the safest form of medicine you will ever find, plain and simple. Safe for pregnant moms, for newborn babes, for debilitated, elderly folks at the end of their lives, patients who are hypersensitive to other medications, and for animals of all sizes and species. Homeopathic medicines are made from any substance in nature. You name it and it's a potential homeopathic treatment. Honeybee, table salt, sea water, every flower, plant or tree you can think of -- they're all potential homeopathic medicines to treat a variety of physical, mental, and emotional complaints, either acute or chronic.

Pregnant women, with good reason, are wary of conventional medications. Some, such as thalidomide, have been clearly and publicly implicated in serious congenital malformation. Others, including Prozac, have been shown to cause minor birth defects but they are so well-advertised that you would only discover such a problem by carefully examining the scientific literature as we did (Reichenberg-Ullman and Ullman, Prozac-Free (Prima, 1999, p 23). Many other pharmaceuticals have not been adequately tested during pregnancy. Although, in general, herbs are gentler and safer than prescription medications, many are contraindicated during pregnancy. Not so with homeopathy. A pregnant woman can rest assured that homeopathic medicines are absolutely safe. If a woman wants to self-treat during pregnancy she needs to make sure that the condition she is treating is uncomplicated and acute, rather than chronic, and needs to follow the guidelines carefully. (Our book, Homeopathic Self-Care: The Quick and Easy Guide for the Whole Family, and other books written by experienced professionals rather than writers with no clinical experience, are what we recommend.) The most trouble she can generally get into by treating herself with homeopathy is that an incorrectly chosen medicine will have no effect or, by taking a medicine far too often one can (rarely) develop symptoms of the remedy (proving symptoms). These will go away rapidly when the homeopathic medicine is discontinued. However, many pregnant women and new moms prefer treatment from an expert, which is often the best course of action. In this article we will share our experience in treating pregnant women and babies over the past nearly 20 years including several cases from our practice. Homeopathy During Pregnancy Homeopathy can be quickly and remarkably effective for many symptoms and conditions arising during pregnancy. If a pregnant woman inquires, "What is the one best thing I can do to insure that my baby is born healthy?" a homeopath will answer, "take your own constitutional medicine as early in the pregnancy as possible." Hahnemann readily encouraged healthy diet and hygiene, so optimal prenatal diet and nutritional supplementation, medical care, lifestyle, and peace of mind are essential. But, in addition, the more in balance a pregnant mom is on an energetic level, the smoother labor is likely to proceed and the greater the chance of giving birth to a vibrantly healthy baby. There are no guarantees in utero. A certain number of babies will be born with a variety of genetic defects and congenital abnormalities. Correct homeopathic prescribing during pregnancy simply increases the likelihood of a healthy child. Homeopathy can treat nearly any condition in a pregnant woman. Just to give you an example of how it works, we present information on morning sickness, perhaps the most common complaint we treat during pregnancy. There are two distinct ways in which homeopathy can treat morning sickness. If your overall health is quite good, morning sickness is your only real complaint, and the symptoms are quite straightforward, you may be able to treat yourself quite successfully. The following information is drawn from Judyth's book, Whole Woman Homeopathy: The Comprehensive Guide to Treating PMS, Menopause, Cystitis, and Other Problems- Naturally and Effectively (Prima, 2000, p 140-141). We are limited by our contract with Prima to a 1500-word excerpt, but you will find details on how and when to take the medicines in the book. Acute Homeopathic Self-Care for Morning Sickness * The most common medicines for morning sickness are Sepia and Colchicum. * When aversion to the smell of food is the strongest symptom, consider Colchicum first. * For severe vomiting, use Ipecac and for the most terrible nausea, use Tabacum. * When aversion to sex is a strong symptom, consider Sepia or Kreosotum. * Sepia is for conditions that are much better from vigorous exercise or dancing, which differentiates it from the motion sickness medicines such as Tabacum and Cocculus. The latter two are for symptoms that are much worse, not better, from motion. * Veratrum is the medicine of choice if you are very cold, are suffering from vomiting and diarrhea, and would die for fruit, ice, and sour foods like pickles or lemons A woman should notice at least a 50%, often 75% or more, improvement in her nausea of pregnancy within one to two weeks after taking the proper homeopathic medicine.


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