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Selecting Homeopathic Potency by Category

Thursday, September 24, 2009 at 12:14 AM

Another Concept

There is an opinion that chronic cases need higher potency while the acute cases need a lower one. I would like to share my views and recommend a method to make the choice easier but this is not the only way of doing it. I do not intend calling it a flawless method. There may be other and better ways. There are basically three types of elements, be it medicine, food item, a drink or anything. These are acidic, saline and alkaline in nature (Figure-1). If these three categories are arranged chronologically and we call them Group-1 (Acidic items), Group-2 (Saline items) and Group-3 (Alkaline items), the figure would appear as below (Figure-2). If there are just these three categories of items including medicines and they are used to treat all diseases, the diseases can also be categorized in three groups. With this arrangement, let us take few examples and see what type of medicine should be chosen in what potency so that it is effective without causing aggravation. Group-1. This is the group to which belong cancer, higher levels of uric acid, psoriasis, constipation, freckles, hemorrhoids, hemorrhages, epistaxis, hepatitis and AIDS etc. etc. A person in this group can be said to belong to "acidic" group but this does not mean that he/she has everything acidic in the body. It only means that acidic items will aggravate his/her diseases/suffering. This is why meat and acidic drinks etc. are forbidden if the person has any of these diseases. When the case is repertorized, it may happen that most suitable medicine may turn out to be acidic, like Nitric Acid, for example, which belongs to the same group. In such case, the potency chosen should be higher and not lower because a potency 6X or below is very likely to aggravate the disease. In certain cases even 12X might aggravate to some extent. This is where 30C or higher potency should be preferred. Take another case, which still belongs to Group-1 but has, for example, Natrum mur as the most suitable remedy. Natrum mur belongs to saline group, which is next in the cycle. Any medicine from this Group-2 can be used in any lower potency without the fear of aggravation. Group-2. Hypertension, advanced stage of hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, kidney stones, edema etc. belong to this group. Taking the example of Natrum mur once again; if a hypertensive person is given this medicine in lower potency, which belongs to the same group, the problem will aggravate but in higher potency it will not. If a lower potency is to be used, it must belong to Group-3, which is the next group. Group-3. Same rule applies to this group as well. This is the group of hypotension, subnormal body temperature, general weakness, relative impotency in men, diabetes inspidous, pre-mature graying of hair, sensitivity to cold, aggravations due to cold, disagreement with water, excessive sneezing, frequent vomiting, undue drowsiness, watery nasal discharge and so on. Taking the example of a person with subnormal body temperature: if he/she is given Kali-phos in lower potency, which belongs to the same group, the body temperature is likely to drop further but if the same medicine is given in higher potency, the temperature will tend to rise to normal. Acid phos is used for diabetes inspidous, impotence etc. in lower potency but it does not aggravate because it belongs to the next group. So what is the rule then? It can be summarized as under: If disease and medicine belong to the same group, use higher potency. If the medicine belongs to the next group, use any potency from lower to higher as you feel necessary. If the medicine belongs to previous group, you may use any potency that you consider suitable but remember that this medicine will only palliate, not cure. The disease will remain suppressed as long as the medicine is being used but will show up again as soon as the medication is stopped. Lasting cure will come from a medicine of higher potency that belongs to the same group or from a potency that belongs to the next group. Now the question is how to find out which disease belongs to which group and which medicine belongs to which category. The later can be found by looking at the pH value of mother tincture of the medicine but to determine the group of the disease, one would need to have some experience. Following are a few tips but please do not take them as final because there could be exceptions like always. Acidic Group. Susceptible to skin diseases, blood pressure between normal and low but generally on the lower side, body temperature fluctuating between normal (98.6 degrees Fahrenheit) and lower than this, generally thin structured, thirstless, agile, quick in movements, aggravated by tea, coffee and most of the acidic items. Color of urine can be fairly dark. All discharges generally scanty. Saline Group. Blood pressure between high and normal, almost never on the lower side, urine clearly yellowish, bothered by hot weather, warm food and drinks, body temperature never low, prone to kidney diseases. This group must never get Sulphur in low potency otherwise the aggravation may be too much. All discharges generally intermittent. Alkaline Group. This group is a bit tedious. There are two situations in it. The body temperature can be low with low blood pressure or normal temperature with blood pressure slightly higher than normal but the person is normally not hypertensive but if too much cold settles in the body, the blood pressure might rise very high. Body temperture and blood pressure may fluctuate depending on the diet taken recently. The person is mostly sensitive to cold, prone to vomiting and diarrhea, mentally sharp but getting fatigued easily, color of urine from nearly colorless to very light yellow and tendency to obesity. All discharges are usually free and fluent. If this grouping can be understood precisely, it is not only the choice of potency that becomes easier; the choice of a medicine also becomes very convenient. At times just one or two symptoms may indicate the group and help in arriving at one single medicine eliminating the need of repertorization in detail. After some experience of working with this grouping, one may be able to tell the symptoms to the patient rather than listening from him/her. Some minor symptoms and modalities shall of course have to come from the patient. Once the group is confirmed, recommendations about diet can be far more accurate. I have found it so convenient that at times I have been able to successfully treat some cases even without using a homeopathic medicine. Just the proper diet control does the job or using a particular food item in a special way brings the cure. This is not all about it. It is just the outline and has much more to it. In fact there are two sub-groups of each of these three main groups, based on a different concept all together. That makes at least six groups in all. So far I have seen all diseases fit into one of these groups. This includes all viral and bacterial diseases too. If this system and homeopathy are used together, most of the diseases and conditions can be successfully treated


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