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The Forex Trading Basics

Saturday, September 26, 2009 at 2:40 AM
Trading is probably as old as mankind itself. It's been there since man learned that he could trade his extra stone knife and five arrow heads for somebody else's nice warm fur blanket. These days we call it bartering, but it's the same process. And these days we've gotten more sophisticated with our trading. Now we use something called money to stand in for the blankets and the knives, but we're still trading our ability to work and produce something useful in exchange for somebody else's goods that we want. But now, trading is not only about goods or services, it has grown into something much more than that. Now we're trading one region's money for another region's money because we've learned that their relative values can vary, sometimes significantly. The first enterprising souls to notice this were the world's first currency traders, taking their profits from the buying and selling of actual banknotes and coins. But today the whole process has been formalized into what we call the Foreign Exchange (or Forex) market. And it has attracted a lot of action. Up to $3 trillion a day worth of action, in fact. Forex trading simply involves the buying and/or selling of different foreign currencies in the global market. Many investors today don't consider it enough to have a portfolio stuffed only with bonds, mutual funds and stocks. One of the strongest appeals of the Forex market is its 24-hour open door. On the world clock, a trading day starts in Sydney, Australia and steps from time zone to time zone around the world until it reaches New York city, the last market to open each day. And it does this five days a week, closing only on the weekend. Almost every country has its own currency, but on the Forex market, it's mostly the so-called "major" currencies that are traded. These currencies are highly regarded because their issuing countries are politically and economically more stable than most other currencies (most of the time). The major currencies that are traded in the FX market are the Euro, the British Pound, the Japanese Yen and the Swiss Franc, as well as the dollars of Canada, Australia and the USA. Most people, when they first learn of Forex trading, find it all a bit strange. Typically, money is used to buy goods and services, not other types of money. However, it's not really all that hard to understand. Just think of traveling to another country. Once you arrive, you go to a currency exchange or a bank and trade your dollars or Euros to buy ringits or yen. Then when you return home, you do the same in reverse. Sometimes the value has changed between the two exchanges, and you make a small profit or lose a bit. Well, that's exactly what a Forex trader does, but he does it much more often, and usually with much larger sums of money. Also, he's not doing it because of travel but because he believes he foresees a coming shift in the exchange rate. In other words, he sees an opportunity to make a profit and seizes it. If he knows what he's doing, the profits can be both big and consistent. So how do you get into the Forex market? It's surprisingly easy to enter, although it's not quite as easy to rack up steady profits. You'll need a computer and fast Internet connection. You'll also need seed money to cover your first trades. Minimum deposit requirements vary, but considering the opportunities available, even the higher entry fees are surprisingly low. You can choose from among many software programs available for logging in to your account and placing your trades. The software also allows you to receive alerts on market conditions, rates, and other important information. The more sophisticated software can recommend when to buy or sell. Forex trading can be an exciting way to make money, but when done in the wrong way, it can get very expensive. Learning what you're doing before you start trading is crucial. Do your research and your due diligence. Learn what the business is about. Set up a dummy account with a broker and do lots of paper trades so that you fully understand the entire process. Stay with this long enough to become comfortable. In addition, read comments and advice from other traders... many other traders. It's important to have a strong grasp of the strategies you'll need day-in and day-out. This is a business, and it's important that you treat it with the respect that a sophisticated, highly profitable business deserves. This mindset of professionalism and responsibility are fundamental to any success you expect to build. Without such a mindset, you're nothing but another gambler and you'll lose more than you win. Forex trading is more risky than stocks and bonds. But it also holds out the promise of much higher returns. Lightning can strike within seconds or minutes sometimes. Don't ever forget, ordinary mortals can take part in Forex trading. Just because 98% of all trading is done by huge financial institutions and multinationals, don't think there won't be any "left-overs" for you. People from all walks of life are involved in that other 2% of Forex trading. Consider - just 2% of Forex's daily $3 trillion volume leaves some very large chunks of opportunity up for grabs. When you go looking for a system or strategy to guide your trades, don't just seize the first one you find. Do your homework. Take advantage of free trial versions of software. Look for customer testimonials. And after carefully considering all the factors involved, you can choose a system for your trading. Another important factor - check out the brokers and choose one who can effectively help you devise a trading strategy that fits your goals and your personality. If you truly want to make it big in the Forex market, use all available resources to learn your new business well. The average newcomer to Forex trading is impatient and wants to go straight to the "good stuff." Their impatience assures they'll never get to the good stuff and instead suffer mainly losses and disappointment. Be determined. Be disciplined. Take the long-term view always. This will instantly set you apart from the losers. Once you have a good, solid knowledge of Forex trading basics, coupled with a well-tested strategy, you have a much better than average chance of making consistent profits in currency trading. After all, isn't that exactly what you're aiming for?

Know Your P’s and L’s

at 2:38 AM
Here is where we’re going to do a little math. You've probably heard of the terms "pips" and "lots" thrown around, and here we're going to explain what they are and show you how they are calculated. Take your time with this information, as it is required knowledge for all Forex traders. Don’t even think about trading until you are comfortable with pip values and calculating profit and loss. What the heck is a Pip? The most common increment of currencies is the Pip. If the EUR/USD moves from 1.2250 to 1.2251, that is ONE PIP. A pip is the last decimal place of a quotation. The Pip is how you measure your profit or loss. As each currency has its own value, it is necessary to calculate the value of a pip for that particular currency. In currencies where the US Dollar is quoted first, the calculation would be as follows. Let’s take USD/JPY rate at 119.80 (notice this currency pair only goes to two decimal places, most of the other currencies have four decimal places) In the case of USD/JPY, 1 pip would be .01 Therefore, USD/JPY: 119.80 .01 divided by exchange rate = pip value .01 / 119.80 = 0.0000834 This looks like a very long number but later we will discuss lot size. USD/CHF: 1.5250 .0001 divided by exchange rate = pip value .0001 / 1.5250 = 0.0000655 USD/CAD: 1.4890 .0001 divided by exchange rate = pip value .0001 / 1.4890 = 0.00006715 In the case where the US Dollar is not quoted first and we want to get the US Dollar value, we have to add one more step. EUR/USD: 1.2200 .0001 divided by exchange rate = pip value so .0001 / 1.2200 = EUR 0.00008196 but we need to get back to US dollars so we add another calculation which is EUR x Exchange rate So 0.00008196 x 1.2200 = 0.00009999 When rounded up it would be 0.0001 GBP/USD: 1.7975 .0001 divided by exchange rate = pip value So .0001 / 1.7975 = GBP 0.0000556 But we need to get back to US dollars so we add another calculation which is GBP x Exchange rate So 0.0000556 x 1.7975 = 0.0000998 When rounded up it would be 0.0001 You’re probably rolling your eyes back and thinking do I really need to work all this out and the answer is NO. Nearly all forex brokers will work all this out for you automatically. It’s always good for you to know how they work it out. In the next section, we will discuss how these seemingly insignificant amounts can add up.

How You Make Money Trading Forex

at 2:38 AM
In the FX market, you buy or sell currencies. Placing a trade in the foreign exchange market is simple: the mechanics of a trade are very similar to those found in other markets (like the stock market), so if you have any experience in trading, you should be able to pick it up pretty quickly. The object of Forex trading is to exchange one currency for another in the expectation that the price will change, so that the currency you bought will increase in value compared to the one you sold. Example of making money by buying euros Trader's Action EUR USD You purchase 10,000 euros at the EUR/USD exchange rate of 1.18 +10,000 -11,800* Two weeks later, you exchange your 10,000 euros back into US dollars at the exchange rate of 1.2500. -10,000 +12,500** You earn a profit of $700. 0 +700 *EUR 10,000 x 1.18 = US $11,800 ** EUR 10,000 x 1.25 = US $12,500 An exchange rate is simply the ratio of one currency valued against another currency. For example, the USD/CHF exchange rate indicates how many U.S. dollars can purchase one Swiss franc, or how many Swiss francs you need to buy one U.S. dollar. How to Read an FX Quote Currencies are always quoted in pairs, such as GBP/USD or USD/JPY. The reason they are quoted in pairs is because in every foreign exchange transaction you are simultaneously buying one currency and selling another. Here is an example of a foreign exchange rate for the British pound versus the U.S. dollar: GBP/USD = 1.7500 The first listed currency to the left of the slash ("/") is known as the base currency (in this example, the British pound), while the second one on the right is called the counter or quote currency (in this example, the U.S. dollar). When buying, the exchange rate tells you how much you have to pay in units of the quote currency to buy one unit of the base currency. In the example above, you have to pay 1.7500 U.S. dollar to buy 1 British pound. When selling, the exchange rate tells you how many units of the quote currency you get for selling one unit of the base currency. In the example above, you will receive 1.7500 U.S. dollars when you sell 1 British pound. The base currency is the “basis” for the buy or the sell. If you buy EUR/USD this simply means that you are buying the base currency and simultaneously selling the quote currency. You would buy the pair if you believe the base currency will appreciate (go up) relative to the quote currency. You would sell the pair if you think the base currency will depreciate (go down) relative to the quote currency. Long/Short First, you should determine whether you want to buy or sell. If you want to buy (which actually means buy the base currency and sell the quote currency), you want the base currency to rise in value and then you would sell it back at a higher price. In trader's talk, this is called "going long" or taking a "long position". Just remember: long = buy. If you want to sell (which actually means sell the base currency and buy the quote currency), you want the base currency to fall in value and then you would buy it back at a lower price. This is called "going short" or taking a "short position". Short = sell.

What makes a good Trading Strategy?

at 2:33 AM
Ask most NEW traders, and they will tell you about some moving average or combination of indicators or a chart pattern that they use. This is, as the more experienced trader knows, an entry point and not a strategy. Any trader who is more experienced will say a strategy should also include money management, risk control, perhaps stop losses and of course, an exit point. They might also say that you must let your profits run and cut your losses short. A well-read trader will also tell you that your strategy should fit with your trading personality. BUT there is one other vital ingredient that many traders forget - and that is to fully understand the "personality" of what you trade. Some traders specialise in say, gold or Brent crude or currencies or they might specialise in a particular index such as the FTSE 100 or the Dow but many traders choose to trade shares. Indeed some traders dabble in a bit of everything. I think this is the area that causes many traders to fail or at least not reach their full potential. In my view: You absolutely MUST specialise. I am sure that on the surface most people would say that sounds sensible but here is why it is a MUST! Superficially, many charts look the same. I bet if you had not seen the charts for some time and someone where to show you a chart of Brent Crude over 6 months and then a chart of Barclays PLC over the same 6 months you would be hard pushed to say which was which purely on the look of the chart. However, I bet that if you found a trader who trades ONLY Barclays day in and day out and also found someone who trades ONLY Brent Crude day in and day out, both of them would easily identify which was which. WHY? Because every share, index or commodity has it’s own "personality". Some will be volatile intra-day, some will follow their sector or the main index (market followers), some will do their own thing, some will spike up and down regularly, some will stop at key moving averages and some will just plough through. Some will move by 5% on average before they retrace and some by 2%. Some will gap up or down regularly, some will not. You get the idea! Therefore, no matter how good you are at analysing indicators, moving averages, trends and patterns, the same strategy WILL NOT work for everything. I would go so far as to say that a strategy that works well for Bovis Homes, for example, is likely NOT to work for BT Group - they have very different "personalities". So let’s return to our question: What makes a good trading strategy? Let me answer with a series of ten questions that you need to find answers to, in order to build a REALLY GOOD strategy. What do you want to trade (share, index, commodity, currency, etc)? If your answer is shares (plural) I would urge you to pick one typical share at this stage to really specialise. You can add more later. What "personality" does that share, index etc have? What entry system is the most reliable for that share? What stop loss system is the most effective for that share? What average risk will a typical trade carry? What exit system works well for that share? What is your trading personality (attitude to risk, losses, discipline, how much do you worry etc) and can you trade that strategy without overriding it? What timescale do you want to trade? (Using intra-day or end of day data) How much data do you keep on past trades to help identify strategy weaknesses? How does all this fit with your trading objectives? Once you have an answer to each question you need to do one final thing. Make sure all those things fit together and complement each other. For example, if the ideal stop loss position represents a big average risk and conflicts with your own attitude to risk, you need to start again. If you will override your exit point because greed makes you hang in for more, you need to think again. Perhaps you shouldn’t trade that stock in the first place - look for one with a different "personality" which will lead to a strategy you can trade comfortably. It is a long and sometimes painful iterative journey. You might need to go round and round in ever decreasing circles over a long time. Testing and refining, testing and refining before you can truly have a reliable and repeatable strategy that REALLY WORKS for you. THEN, you can look for other things to trade that have the same "personality" as your specialist stock, index, commodity or currency. But if it were easy, everyone would be doing it right? Good luck and enjoy your trading.

Migraine Prevention Self Care and Treatments

Thursday, September 24, 2009 at 12:28 AM
Risk Factors of migraine Migraine is quite irritating and bothersome. In severe cases migraine headache might considerable reduce the efficiency and even incapacitate the sufferer for some time. In the year 1990, a case of nearly three years standing was brought to me personally by an allopathic doctor. The person was a male in his late twenties and an engineer by profession. He used to get migraine attacks several times a day with each attack lasting for more than an hour. He could neither sleep at night nor could walk for 300 yards at a stretch. Physical exertion did not trigger the pain but was very troublesome for him. He had stopped taking breakfast because he simply could not eat in the morning. Having been disappointed by various treatments, he had started thinking of suicide when he was brought to me. I started treating him homeopathically, which gave very encouraging results. Improving gradually he completely recovered and regained his health in about six months. His migraine never came back. That was the worst case of migraine that I have ever seen and treated. Not all cases aggravate to that extent and do not take that long to cure. Most of the risk associated with migraine is due to wrong treatment, unsuitable medicines or side effects of the medicines otherwise migraine does not affect the brain permanently. The effects are temporary, lasting only till the end of the attack. However, the person might feel general weakness once the attack is over. Prevention and Self Care It may not always be possible to prevent getting migraine but if you know what triggers or relieves your migraine attack, it would be a lot easier to manage the condition. Given below are some guidelines that might help you. Please read them carefully. The first thing to do is to find out your migraine trigger and keep a note of it. Once you are sure of it, avoid that item or condition, which is the best way to prevent the attack. Also try to find out what relieves the pain. It could be a particular posture, a food item or just rest. Remember that your are the best person to find your trigger as well as the reliever. Learn to relax. Relaxation does not mean the physical relaxation alone. It also includes mental relaxation, which is very important and is something that would come through regular practice. You can adopt any technique that suits you. Meditation and Yoga are good techniques but breath control is probably the easiest to begin with. Progressive muscular control by reverse counting method is yet another technique, which you may like to try and see if it makes the difference. By learning to relax, you would be able to manage not only your migraine but also many other health related issues. Always avoid over eating. Develop this habit whether you have migraine or not. If you are already suffering from migraine, do not over use any medicine. Try to learn about the side effects of the medicines you take so that you do not run into a problem more severe than migraine. Sleep well but do not over sleep. Try to understand the realities of life and try to be realistic as far as possible so that you don’t tax your nerves unnecessarily. We keep acquiring both positive and negative energies every day through various means. Learn to dissipate negative energies on regular basis. There are various techniques to do so, which you can find and pick up the one that suits you the best. And finally, whichever religion or faith system you belong to, try to follow the teachings. That will give you satisfaction from within and ultimately help you taking better control of your self. Migraine Treatments Is migraine curable? This is always the first, most important and very valid question. Let us see what various treatment systems have to offer. Modern medical system has no cure for migraine. They call it incurable. The system has nothing particular to prevent the attack of migraine. Many of the medicines used for migraine are also used for hypertension. If the migraine sufferer does not have high blood pressure, use of such medicines can make him hypotensive, which is a trouble by itself. Most of the allopathic medicines have their own side effects. Herbal Treatment There is no recorded evidence available (not to my knowledge at least) to prove the efficacy of herbal treatments for migraine but it is said that the system has the medicines to cure migraine. Acupuncture, Acupressure, Chiropractic and Reiki are also said to have the potential to cure migraine headaches. Chromotherapy According to the concept of chromotherapy, the cause of any disease can be the lack (or excess) of a particular color in the human body. Chromotherapy is a technique of restoring the balance of colors by applying light of particular color to the body. According to this system, migraine is said to be the result of lack of purple color. If the body is exposed to purple color for a given period of time, migraine can be cured. Homeopathy system has more than 50 medicines to effectively cure different conditions of migraine, one-sided headaches and other types of headaches. Some people may be skeptical about homeopathy but the fact is that homeopathy can cure migraine and other types of headache permanently. Our experience with cured cases shows that one-sided headaches are comparatively simpler to treat with homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic medicines are safe to use even for children and pregnant women. If you wish to know more about this wonderful system, you would find lot of useful information on this and other homeopathy sites. If you have migraine, consider homeopathic treatment.

Migraine Headaches Causes, Diagnosis, Triggers

at 12:27 AM
Causes of Migraine Researchers have been trying to find the cause of migraine since long but so far the success is nowhere in sight. There are different views about the causes of migraines but none has been established with authenticity. Broadly speaking, migraine has something to do with the nerve system but what is that, is not known. Some people believe it to be genetic disorder but probably this is only a supposition. It could be caused by functional changes in the trigeminal nerve system. Migraines may be caused by imbalances in brain chemicals, including serotonin, which drops during headache but what factors cause that to drop, is not known. It is said that level of magnesium also drops just before or during a headache but what causes that to drop, is again not known. Another viewpoint is that migraine is psychosomatic in nature, which is unconfirmed. Hormonal changes particularly in women are also said to be a cause but like other causes this one is also not confirmed. Some people call it hereditary in nature but this also remains unconfirmed. There is no known cause of one-sided headache. Migraine Diagnosis If the headache is occasional and due to a known cause like lack of rest, diagnosis in detail may not be necessary but if the headache persists and comes on without a known cause, if would be necessary to go through complete check up. In addition to usual question and answer session, inquiry about the family history, eating habits, usual life style etcetera, your doctor would know what tests to perform. Among the tests are "Computerized Axial Tomography" (CAT), also called CT Scan or CAT Scan and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT Scan/CT Scan) This is done through an X-ray machine specially designed to take a series of computer-controlled X-rays in a cross-sectional view of inside of the head to detect tumors, hemorrhages and other problems. The cross-sections are like very thin slices of body part scanned. This technology has become very common and can be used to scan other parts of the body as well. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) It is a radiology technique that uses a powerful magnet, radio waves, and a computer to produce cross-sectional images of body structures. The images produced by MRI are quite detailed and can detect minute structural changes inside the body. MRI scan is an extremely accurate method of detecting diseases hemorrhages, swelling, brain aneurysms, stroke and brain tumors etcetera. It is not necessary that some cause would always be detected through these or other tests. One can continue to have migraine headache even if all the tests are clear and there is no apparent reason to have headache. That is the case with lots and lots of migraine sufferers. Common Migraine Triggers Trigger is a specific factor that may initiate a migraine attack but is not a cause by itself. It is only a starter. This trigger is usually specific to the person. One particular factor that may trigger migraine in one person may not do the same for another person. Migraine sufferers usually have one trigger specific to them but it is possible that someone may have more than one trigger. Common triggers are: Mental stress Emotional disturbance Lack of sleep, oversleeping or a specific sleep pattern Sunlight Bright light Weather changes, a particular weather or temperature Bathing Noise or a specific sound Quick movement, may be upstairs or downstairs Dancing Abdominal disturbance like diarrhea or constipation High altitude Over-exertion Eyestrain Fasting A particular body posture A particular odor A particular situation or environment Certain food items like tea, coffee, beer, candy sweets, chocolate etc. Smoking Use of narcotics Riding in a vehicle etc. etc. This list is not exhaustive by any means. There can be more factors specific to an individual triggering the headache.

What is Cancer? Tumors, Mesothelioma Cancer Symptoms, Causes

at 12:26 AM
Cancer is usually misunderstood as the name of one disease whereas the term is actually related with many diseases. Cancer is the name given to many diseases related with body’s cells growing out of control. Once the cells start growing abnormally, they spread to other parts of the body through blood and lymph systems. Birth, growth and division of body cells is controlled by many different processes that can go wrong for some reason and make a cell cancerous. Thus, cancer always begins in the cells. Cancer is said to be of more than 100 types. Most of the cancers are named after the organ in which they begin like liver cancer, prostate cancer, skin cancer, stomach cancer, lung cancer and so on. Cancer has been grouped into various categories. Three of the main categories are: Carcinoma – This type of cancer belongs to the protective lining of the internal organs and skin, which is in fact protective lining of the whole body. Sarcoma – This type of cancer belongs to the connective and supportive tissues like bones, cartilages and muscles et cetera. Leukemia – It is the blood cancer in simple language. This type does not form tumors. At times the process of normal growth and division of the cell gets damaged, due to which, old cell stay while the new cells are also formed making up a mass tissue called tumor. Such tumors are generally divided in two categories as under: Benign Tumors: These are often considered harmless because cells making them up do not spread to other parts of the body, are isolated and can be removed permanently. In most cases, they do not return. Malignant Tumors: These are cancerous n nature. The cells in these tumors can affect the adjoining tissues and also spread to other parts of the body. What is Mesothelioma, the Asbestos Cancer? It is a type of cancer found in those who have been working unprotected with asbestos. The name given to the disease has been taken from the word "mesothelium", which is the outer lining of lungs, heart and stomach. The disease affects the mesothelium, hence the name mesothelioma. Cause of Mesothelioma Those who have been associated with working with this material are the victims of this disease. It is believed that the exposure may not necessarily be for years; even few months are enough to cause the disease. It is also thought that if the workers carried asbestos dust with them on their clothes and hair etc. to their homes, those closely associated with them like their family members could also be affected but their chances of getting mesothelioma are obviously not as great as the worker himself. Asbestos is a natural mineral, which has been used for centuries as building material. Its deadly effects on human health were probably not known or were mistaken as aging effects because the symptoms are quite general and non-specific in nature. The symptoms do not appear soon after the exposure. It may take decades before the disease develops it self. So the use continued and the workers kept inhaling the fiber till it was noticed during early part of 20th century that death rate among the asbestos workers was higher than the others. Further investigations revealed that it was asbestos that was causing cancer among the workers. Chances of getting mesothelioma by occasional exposure to finished products of asbestos are very remote unless the product has lived out its life and has started to deteriorate. Residents of old houses with roofs made of asbestos cement sheets are not considered to be in as much danger as those who come into direct contact with dust from the raw material. In addition to the workers, those who lived in close proximity of asbestos factories were also exposed to the danger to some degree. Types of Mesothelioma There are three types of mesothelioma named after the organ mainly affected. When lining and surrounding tissues of lungs are affected, it is called Pleural Mesothelioma due to relevance with the organ. Similarly mesothelioma related with heart is called Pericardial Mesothelioma and the one related with peritoneum, which is the lining of stomach, is called Peritoneal Mesothelioma. Pleural Mesothelioma In this form of mesothelioma, lungs and respiratory areas are affected. – Malignant tumors – Shortness of breath – Chest pain – Fluid accumulating around pleura – Hoarseness – Hemoptysis (coughing up blood) -General muscular weakness without apparent cause – Paralysis – Swelling of face and – Weight loss have been commonly found among the sufferers. For treatment, surgery is performed to remove a portion or the whole lung to remove the tumor completely. Pericardial Mesothelioma In this form, – Chest pain – Palpitation – Persistent cough and – Shortness of breath have been commonly found. These symptoms are of general nature and do not necessarily point toward mesothelioma. Anyone who may have these symptoms must have a detailed medical check up done for diagnosis. Peritoneal Mesothelioma Symptoms associated with this type are: – Abdominal pain – Nausea – Vomiting – Loss of appetite – Swelling of abdomen – Obstruction of bowels – Ascites and – Shortness of breath. Treatment and Help For treatment of all types, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are other options in addition to surgical removal of the tumors. Since the surfacing of hazards of working with asbestos, many governments have made laws about using this material. There are organizations at work to help the sufferers and their families, and mesothelioma lawyers and attorneys to provide legal advice and support to the affected persons. Homeopathy has many medicines for effective treatment of various types of cancer before it reaches the last stage.

Constipation Causes and Prevention

at 12:25 AM
What is Constipation? Constipation is a disorder of the digestive system that reduces the frequency of bowel movement. Medically a person is said to be constipated if he passes less than three stools a week. Normal frequency can vary from three stools a day to three a week but the frequency varies from person to person and what is normal for one person may not be so for the other. Symptoms Not having a daily bowel movement does not necessarily mean that you are constipated but some people think they are. The symptoms are: Passing hard stool three times a week or less Unusual straining at stool. In certain cases even soft stool does not pass without unusual straining Abdominal bloating or discomfort Incomplete and unsatisfying expulsion Types of Stool In constipation the stool can be of various types varying from person to person. It can be: Dry, hard, large and painful Hard covered with mucus Dry and crumbling Large, black, carrion like Slender, quill like Hard round balls likes sheep’s dung Soft but still difficult to pass Soft but incomplete expulsion Causes of Constipation In most cases where the stool is hard, constipation is due to dryness of mucus membranes. Should that happen, usually the mouth also becomes dry with increased thirst. Like frequency of bowel movement, causes also vary from person to person. One factor that makes a person constipated may not have similar effect of the other. Common causes are: Frequent use of spicy food Excessive use of foodstuff that tends to create dryness of mucus membranes Insufficient fluid intake Pregnancy (not everyone is affected) Reduced physical activity Continuous bed rest due to sickness Intestinal obstruction Medication for certain diseases Over use of laxatives Aging (in some persons) Traveling Habitual delay in attending the call to bowel movement Use of narcotics (including smoking) Risk Factors Constipation is said to be the mother of most diseases because the body toxins that should naturally leave on time, stay for much longer creating adverse health conditions. Persistent constipation can cause anal fissures and/or hemorrhoids that could be blind or bleeding and internal or external or both, which is a condition obviously more difficult to treat than constipation. If there is no bowel movement for several days, the stool may become very hard calling for manual removal. Prevention and Treatment of Constipation If the stool does pass, try finding out what makes you constipated. Consulting a doctor is fine but in many cases, you are the best person to find the cause. If you can, remove the cause. Increase your intake of liquids other than acidic drinks Add fibrous food like whole-grain cereals, vegetables, and fruits to your meals Review your lifestyle and make necessary changes Avoid junk food Do not postpone your call to nature just because you are busy otherwise the stool will start becoming harder Do not use laxatives unnecessarily Homeopathy has many wonderful medicines to treat various conditions of constipation. Home Remedies for Constipation Taking a glass of warm milk at bedtime can help Ginger tea sweetened with honey taken twice a day frequently relieves the constipation If it does not help, consult your doctor for diagnosis and proper treatment. For obstinate constipation, consider homeopathic treatment.

Asthma Triggers, Prevention, Treatment of Asthma

at 12:21 AM
Common Asthma Triggers The attack of asthma may start at any time under a particular condition or factor and may last for hours. These conditions or factors are called triggers and differ from person to person. Triggers are not the causes of asthma. They may cause starting of an attack or may worsen the already going on attack. Such triggers may include: Exposure to cold Weather changes Dry and cold weather Humidity Hot weather Physical exertion Lying down at night, especially after mid-night. Talking for a longer time Inhaling smoke particularly of cigarette Strong odors Dust Cold drinks Indigestion Cold bathing Asthma can also be triggered by emotional disturbance and mental stress This list is not exhaustive and complete at all. There might be many other factors that may start or worsen the attack and might be very individual and specific in nature. Treatment of asthma should be planned keeping such factors in view but the treatment would be for the cause not for the trigger. Treatment for the trigger would mean catching the thread from the wrong end. Prevention of Asthma Asthma is a condition that may not be possible to prevent completely but to a great extent one can reduce the suffering and misery associated with it. Following points may be worth consideration. You have to find out what triggers your asthma. As far as possible, avoid the condition that triggers it. Avoid food items, which create mucus in excess. This would differ from person to person. The diet must be changed according to the type of asthma. Remember that diet precautions are not the same for all types of asthma. If you catch cold and have running nose, do not try to dry up the flow too rapidly. If you have an allergy that causes irritation of respiratory system, have it treated properly. Do not postpone till tomorrow. If you live in cold climate, try to keep your body warm as far as possible. If the cause is climatic, see if you can change over to a suitable climate. Most of the times and for most of the people, it may not be possible at all to migrate and live in a different climate but it is a factor that can be considered. Treatment of Asthma Asthma is one of those diseases that do not have permanent cure in modern medicine whereas it can actually be cured by various alternative medicines. There are two types of treatment, those that provide instant but temporary relief and those that gradually cure and prevent further attacks. Modern medical system has good palliative treatment but nothing for permanent cure. Temporary Relief Nebulizers and/or inhalers provide temporary relief. In addition, the sufferer may feel relieved temporarily by one or more of the following conditions, which are different from person to person like triggers: Motion Sitting up straight Bending forward Sitting up with head bent backward Belching Expectoration Vomiting Defecation Taking a hot drink or any other condition specific to the individual Permanent Cure Acupuncture is also said to be effective for permanent treatment of asthma. Herbal treatment can also provide very effective and permanent cure of asthma. Homeopathy has a number of medicines that can treat various conditions of asthma according to modalities. Asthma can be cured permanently if treatment is planned keeping all the modalities in view. In homeopathy, factors and conditions that aggravate or give relief are called modalities, which vary from individual to individual. This precision makes cure of asthma much easier and mostly successful with lasting cure. There is no harm in exploring the system to see if it would be suitable to treat your asthmatic conditions.

What is Arthritis? Causes, Symptoms of Arthritis

at 12:20 AM
What is Arthritis? Arthritis means the inflammation of one or more joints. Both small and large joints can be affected. It is a painful and immobilizing disease and can occur in males and females of all ages, particularly adults, but rarely in the children. It is not true that arthritis can occur in elderly persons only. Causes of Arthritis Researchers have been searching for the cause of arthritis for decades but the exact cause of arthritis still remains unknown. There are many different views about it but three theories about the cause are frequently talked about. These are: Genetic or hereditary factors It is likely that genetic variations can contribute but it not necessary that the cause will always have a link to genetics. Exactly how much these contribute to the cause of arthritis is not clearly known. Immune system abnormalities or autoimmune disease This is understood to be more likely cause of arthritis but what exactly is it, is not known or specified. A persistent or triggering infection Like the previous two, this cause is also a supposition. With so much advancement of medical science, this infection if it does exist, remains unknown. Association with a particular disease In certain cases, arthritis may be associated with a particular disease like psoriatic arthritis, which is associated with psoriasis. One opinion about the cause of arthritis is that it occurs due to localized dryness in the joints that reduces their natural flexibility. It happens due to persistent use of incorrect diet. Once the flexibility reduces or in other words, when rigidity occurs, friction inside the joints increases during movement. As a result, following symptoms can occur. Arthritis Symptoms There are a number of signs and symptoms of arthritis but all of them are not present in all the cases. Some signs may be more noticeable in certain cases according to the stage of the disease. Pain in joints Reduced flexibility or in other words rigidity of joints. In certain cases, rigidity and/or pain may be felt only on beginning of the motion for shortwhile. Stiffness, which is more pronounced on waking in the morning or after sitting in one posture for some time. Limitation of movement Swelling of joints Redness of some or all the joints Warmth in few or all the joints Deformation of some or all the joints Weakness of joints Cracking sounds felt on movement of the joints Increase of pain during weather changes. Cold and dry weather is generally more troublesome.

Allergies: Types and Symptoms

at 12:20 AM
Allergy is a reaction of the body’s immune system to a particular substance that is usually harmless otherwise. The substance to which the body might react varies from person to person and the reaction is also not necessarily similar in everyone. Everyone does not have allergies but the persons who have them may be sensitive to one or more items. There are two main types of allergies: seasonal and perennial. Seasonal allergies occur in a specific season while perennial allergies persist round the year. The exact cause of allergies is not known. Since everyone has different body chemistry, bodies of all the persons living in the same atmosphere react differently to a substance like one person in the house might be allergic to dust while the others might not be. One opinion is that the tendency to be allergic could be inherited but is not true in all cases of allergy. Commonly found allergies are: Cigarette Smoke Allergy Cigarette smoke contains several irritating and toxic chemicals that might affect an individual more than the others and produce certain symptoms like nasal congestion or running nose, burning or watering of eyes, throat irritation, cough, and dysnea (shortness of breath). If the person is also asthmatic, dysnea might be much worse than others. Cockroach Allergy Cockroaches are one of the most commonly found domestic pest and is found even in the cleanest places. They mostly reside in the sewers and come out frequently and roam around on cooking utensils and uncovered foodstuff. Their excretions stick to the utensils and produce problems in allergic persons if used unwashed. While cockroaches can cause allergy, there is an excellent homeopathic medicine for asthma (of certain types) by the name "Blatta Orientalis" prepared from Indian cockroach. Medicine from American cockroach called "Blatta Americana" has also been prepared but is much less effective than Blatta Orientalis. Whole cockroach is used to prepare the medicine. Dust Mite Allergy It is caused by the microscopic organism that lives in the dust and is found where there is dust. Food Allergy Many people are sensitive to certain items of food like eggs, almonds, fish, wheat, milk and several other items. Problems caused by various food items may not necessarily be allergy. It could be simple intolerance. Allergic symptoms belong to nose, throat, eyes, respiratory tract, skin and digestive system. Grass Pollen Allergy This type is extremely difficult to prevent because going close to grass is not easy to avoid. Hay Fever It is also known as pollen allergy and is usually seasonal. The symptoms may be running nose, sneezing and sore throat. House Dust Allergy House dust can include the dust itself, food particles, stuff that enters the house with shoes, flakes of human skin as well as of animal skin if you have pets, hair, fibers of various types including those of the carpets and much more. This type of allergy is found mostly among the housewives who feel it much while dusting the house. Preventive measures include the use of mask while dusting and moist cloth for dusting. You might consider removing the carpets and having bare floors to minimize the presence of house dust. Metal Allergy A person can be sensitive to touch of various metals and may develop skin rash where the metal remains in contact for some time. This includes the allergy to artificial jewelry. Odors A person can be sensitive to different odors including but not limited to odor of food, flowers and perfumes. Allergy to odor of food can be quickly cured by homeopathic medicines. Pet Allergy Some people are sensitive to natural body odor of various pets. Pollen Allergy This type includes allergy to various types of pollen and trees. This is usually seasonal. The symptoms include running nose, sore throat, dyspnea and irritation of skin. Most allergies can be treated by medication or avoiding contact with the relevant substance. Homeopathic medicines can also cure various types of allergy.

Acne Prevention and Treatments

at 12:19 AM
Prevention of Acne To prevent acne, you would need to take care of some of the aspects yourself. Following are the guidelines about preventive measures, which are not wholesome by any standard. You may add or ignore according to the advice of your health consultant. Lifestyle – Get eight hours of sleep at a stretch, if you can. – Wash your face with fresh water at least twice a day. – Try to get rid of undue mental stresses. – Avoid undue exposure to sunrays. Dietary Habits – Eat on time – Do not overload your stomach – Use plenty of fresh fruit. – Avoid fatty food. Occasional use is fine but do not use too much of it. – If you are taking too much of acidic foodstuff and less of water, you are heading for acne and other troubles. – Do not scratch, pick or squeeze the pimples. This is to prevent the scars. Females only – If your menstrual cycle is not regular, you are a prospective candidate for acne. So do not take it lightly. Have it treated. – In some parts of the world young girls use various concoctions to improve their complexion. Better remain away from poor quality cosmetics. Acne Treatments Acne is not considered permanently curable by the modern medical system. The system offers various kinds of treatments that help in managing acne but do not provide long term relief. Since the exact cause of acne remains unknown, there is no suitable product or medicine that could cure acne permanently. The entire focus of orthodox medical system is on killing the bacteria and opening the pores using various kinds of antibiotics, antibacterials and other products, which provide short terms relief, not effective and permanent cure. The acne treatments include: – Antibiotics and antibecterials for external use – Oral medication – Injections – Retinoids – Laser treatment, which (probably) does not provide permanent cure Some general tips , advice and products to control acne are: – Astringents to remove the excess oil – Use of antiseptic soap to destroy the acne bacteria – Moisturizers – Use of multi-vitamins and zinc rich diet – Low fat intake – Advice to take lot of water – Advice on various aspects of hygiene Herbal treatment is quite effective for treatment of acne and other skin diseases. Chromotherapy might also be of help in controlling acne. You would need to explore this therapy. Homeopathy has large number of medicines that are used for different conditions of acne and are capable of curing acne permanently. For homeopathic treatment detailed case taking is required covering the symptoms of disease and the personal symptoms which may have (apparently) no direct relationship with the disease but plays an important role in the selection of proper homeopathic remedy. If you look up the details, you would find that homeopathic medicines cover very minute details, even those details that have no place in orthodox medical system. You need not worry about the side effects because homeopathic potencies are known for their safety. Remember that timely treatment of acne can save you the discomfort and possible scarring of the skin.

Acne Types and Causes

at 12:18 AM

What is Acne?

Acne is a term generally applied to eruptions on the skin like pimples, pustules, papules, nodules and small cysts etc. of varying characteristics. It is an inflammatory, papulopustular skin eruption occurring usually in or near the sebaceous glands on the face, neck, shoulder, upper back and other parts of the body. It involves bacterial breakdown of sebum into fatty acids irritating to surrounding subcutaneous tissues. Acne mostly affects the teenagers but is not restricted to this age group. It can occur in adults and middle-aged persons too. Acne is not a life threatening eruption but is quite troublesome and has great cosmetic value particularly if it occurs on uncovered parts of the body like face and neck. At times, particularly in severely aggravated cases, it may leave permanent scars on the skin. Common Acne Types Acne is of various types. At times acne is named by the location where it occurs like face acne, neck acne, chest acne and so on and similarly according to the age as for adult acne. Acne rosacea and acne vulgaris are the types that occur more commonly. Each type has its own characteristics. Some types are painful to touch but some are not. The eruptions may or may not have puss formation. Blackheads and whiteheads are also broadly categorized as acne. Acne Rosacea: A chronic form of acne seen in adults of all ages and associated with telangiectasia, especially of the nose, forehead and cheeks. It is characterized by small pimple on cheeks usually below the cheekbones accompanied by redness. This type occurs mostly in the adults and is at times called adult acne. Acne Vulgaris (Acne Simplex): A common form of acne seen predominantly in adolescents and young adults. Acne vulgaris is probably an effect of androgenic hormones (which stimulate the production of sebum) and Propionibacterium acnes in their follicle. It is said that it also results from the bacterial infection. Some other types of acne are: Acne Artificialis: An eruption in the skin caused by an external irritant such as tar or ingestion of halogen compounds. Acne Cachectocorum: An eruption or irritation of the skin that may occur in patients who are very and debilitated. It is characterized by soft, mildly infiltrated pustular lesions. Acne Conglobata: A sever form of acne with abscess, cyst, scar and keloid formation. Acne conglobata may affect the lower back, buttock and thighs, as well as the face and chest. Acne Indurata: A pathological skin condition characterized by extensive papular lesions that often produce sever scars. Acne Keratosa: A skin condition characterized by hard conic plugs that usually appear at the corners of the mouth and inflame surrounding tissue Acne Necrotica Miliaris: A rare chronic type of folliculitis of the scalp occurring mostly in adults and characterized by tiny pustules. Acne Papulosa: A common pathologic skin condition that develops small papular lesions that usually do not become inflamed. It is considered a papular form of acne vulgaris. Causes of Acne Acne is a common disease but the modern science has not yet been able to find its exact cause. Mostly it is believed that incomplete metabolization of oil makes the dead skin cell sticky blocking the pores of the skin where then bacteria enters into the pores and causes infection and inflammation. If this is true then cause of acne is not bacteria but faulty metabolization of oil that provides a favorable ground to bacteria to harbor itself and cause the trouble. It is believed that dirt does not cause acne. Whatever be the cause, acne is mostly caused by internal disorder. Dietary Habits If we dig it out further, it leads back to inappropriate dietary habits but the modern science does not agree. Diet is not considered as a factor causing acne whereas actually it is. The fact is that whatever we eat or drink does affects our bodies. This can be observed and experienced by anyone, like you drink water and feel that your thirst is gone, take food and your hunger is satisfied. If your body is deficient of proteins, you take protein-rich diet and if your body needs carbohydrates, you make up the deficiency by taking appropriate diet. Following the same argument, if you stick to a particular type of diet for too long, it is bound to tell its effects and create various symptoms according to what you have been taking. Acne is no exception. It will occur when suitable situation is provided by particular dietary habits. It is a matter of finding out the items that cause and promote acne, which might slightly differ for different persons. Defective Menstrual Cycle Most of the young girls with defective menstrual cycle can get acne. If the periods are delayed and bleeding is less than normal with dark and clotted blood, the ground is ready for acne to appear. Poor Hygiene: Though it is not a major cause of acne yet it is one of the contributory factors.

Homeopathic Remedies for the Treatment of ADHD

at 12:17 AM
Introduction: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most commonly diagnosed psychiatric disorder of children, afflicting about 35% in the U.S. It is often believed to be a physiological brain disorder with a genetic component. Children with ADHD are impulsive,overactive, inattentive, poor learners, and are frequently disruptive, aggressive and uncontrollable. ADHD is treated medically with stimulant drugs such as Ritalin, oral antihypertensives and antidepressants. While these medications can at times be effective if carefully monitored, side effects are possible, and most of these drugs should not be (though sometimes are) given to children under age six because of risk of toxicity or lack of dosage information due to inadequate testing for adverse drug reaactions in this population. Twenty percent of ADHD children do not respond to the first stimulant drug tried, or have a negative reaction to it. Clinicians using homeopathy for ADHD have reported good results, but objective evidence has been lacking. Now, a double blind, placebo-controlled study of 43 children with ADHD shows that homeopathy can be effective in treating the disorder. In a study published in the British Homeopathic Journal, Oct 1997, children afflicted with ADHD were given either a homeopathic treatment or a placebo for ten days, then parents or caregivers rated the children on the amount of ADHD behavior they displayed. Those receiving homeopathic medicines showed significantly less ADHD behavior than those given placebos. When evaluated in a follow-up interview two months after the study's end, 57% of the children showing improvement with homeopathy had continued to improve, even though they had discontinued the homeopathic medicines; twenty-four percent relapsed by the time of the follow-up; and the remaining 19% continued to experience positive results, but only while taking the homeopathic medicines. The homeopathic medicines found most helpful for ADHD were Stramonium, Cina and Hyoscyamus niger. Stramonium was specifically indicated when children had many fears, or suffered symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder; children who were physically aggressive benefited most from Cina; and, children with manic or sexualized symptoms responded most favorably to Hyoscyamus niger. Below is an alphabetic listing of homeopathic remedies and a brief summary of how each might be applied to children with ADHD or ADHD symptomolgy.

Selecting Homeopathic Potency by Category

at 12:14 AM

Another Concept

There is an opinion that chronic cases need higher potency while the acute cases need a lower one. I would like to share my views and recommend a method to make the choice easier but this is not the only way of doing it. I do not intend calling it a flawless method. There may be other and better ways. There are basically three types of elements, be it medicine, food item, a drink or anything. These are acidic, saline and alkaline in nature (Figure-1). If these three categories are arranged chronologically and we call them Group-1 (Acidic items), Group-2 (Saline items) and Group-3 (Alkaline items), the figure would appear as below (Figure-2). If there are just these three categories of items including medicines and they are used to treat all diseases, the diseases can also be categorized in three groups. With this arrangement, let us take few examples and see what type of medicine should be chosen in what potency so that it is effective without causing aggravation. Group-1. This is the group to which belong cancer, higher levels of uric acid, psoriasis, constipation, freckles, hemorrhoids, hemorrhages, epistaxis, hepatitis and AIDS etc. etc. A person in this group can be said to belong to "acidic" group but this does not mean that he/she has everything acidic in the body. It only means that acidic items will aggravate his/her diseases/suffering. This is why meat and acidic drinks etc. are forbidden if the person has any of these diseases. When the case is repertorized, it may happen that most suitable medicine may turn out to be acidic, like Nitric Acid, for example, which belongs to the same group. In such case, the potency chosen should be higher and not lower because a potency 6X or below is very likely to aggravate the disease. In certain cases even 12X might aggravate to some extent. This is where 30C or higher potency should be preferred. Take another case, which still belongs to Group-1 but has, for example, Natrum mur as the most suitable remedy. Natrum mur belongs to saline group, which is next in the cycle. Any medicine from this Group-2 can be used in any lower potency without the fear of aggravation. Group-2. Hypertension, advanced stage of hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, kidney stones, edema etc. belong to this group. Taking the example of Natrum mur once again; if a hypertensive person is given this medicine in lower potency, which belongs to the same group, the problem will aggravate but in higher potency it will not. If a lower potency is to be used, it must belong to Group-3, which is the next group. Group-3. Same rule applies to this group as well. This is the group of hypotension, subnormal body temperature, general weakness, relative impotency in men, diabetes inspidous, pre-mature graying of hair, sensitivity to cold, aggravations due to cold, disagreement with water, excessive sneezing, frequent vomiting, undue drowsiness, watery nasal discharge and so on. Taking the example of a person with subnormal body temperature: if he/she is given Kali-phos in lower potency, which belongs to the same group, the body temperature is likely to drop further but if the same medicine is given in higher potency, the temperature will tend to rise to normal. Acid phos is used for diabetes inspidous, impotence etc. in lower potency but it does not aggravate because it belongs to the next group. So what is the rule then? It can be summarized as under: If disease and medicine belong to the same group, use higher potency. If the medicine belongs to the next group, use any potency from lower to higher as you feel necessary. If the medicine belongs to previous group, you may use any potency that you consider suitable but remember that this medicine will only palliate, not cure. The disease will remain suppressed as long as the medicine is being used but will show up again as soon as the medication is stopped. Lasting cure will come from a medicine of higher potency that belongs to the same group or from a potency that belongs to the next group. Now the question is how to find out which disease belongs to which group and which medicine belongs to which category. The later can be found by looking at the pH value of mother tincture of the medicine but to determine the group of the disease, one would need to have some experience. Following are a few tips but please do not take them as final because there could be exceptions like always. Acidic Group. Susceptible to skin diseases, blood pressure between normal and low but generally on the lower side, body temperature fluctuating between normal (98.6 degrees Fahrenheit) and lower than this, generally thin structured, thirstless, agile, quick in movements, aggravated by tea, coffee and most of the acidic items. Color of urine can be fairly dark. All discharges generally scanty. Saline Group. Blood pressure between high and normal, almost never on the lower side, urine clearly yellowish, bothered by hot weather, warm food and drinks, body temperature never low, prone to kidney diseases. This group must never get Sulphur in low potency otherwise the aggravation may be too much. All discharges generally intermittent. Alkaline Group. This group is a bit tedious. There are two situations in it. The body temperature can be low with low blood pressure or normal temperature with blood pressure slightly higher than normal but the person is normally not hypertensive but if too much cold settles in the body, the blood pressure might rise very high. Body temperture and blood pressure may fluctuate depending on the diet taken recently. The person is mostly sensitive to cold, prone to vomiting and diarrhea, mentally sharp but getting fatigued easily, color of urine from nearly colorless to very light yellow and tendency to obesity. All discharges are usually free and fluent. If this grouping can be understood precisely, it is not only the choice of potency that becomes easier; the choice of a medicine also becomes very convenient. At times just one or two symptoms may indicate the group and help in arriving at one single medicine eliminating the need of repertorization in detail. After some experience of working with this grouping, one may be able to tell the symptoms to the patient rather than listening from him/her. Some minor symptoms and modalities shall of course have to come from the patient. Once the group is confirmed, recommendations about diet can be far more accurate. I have found it so convenient that at times I have been able to successfully treat some cases even without using a homeopathic medicine. Just the proper diet control does the job or using a particular food item in a special way brings the cure. This is not all about it. It is just the outline and has much more to it. In fact there are two sub-groups of each of these three main groups, based on a different concept all together. That makes at least six groups in all. So far I have seen all diseases fit into one of these groups. This includes all viral and bacterial diseases too. If this system and homeopathy are used together, most of the diseases and conditions can be successfully treated

Male Infertitlity

at 12:13 AM
About male infertility Infertility is defined by doctors as the failure of a couple to achieve pregnancy after a year of unprotected intercourse. In men, infertility is usually associated with a decrease in the number, quality, or motility (power of movement) of sperm. There are multiple possible underlying causes for male infertility, some of which readily respond to natural medicine, while others do not. The specific cause of infertility should always be diagnosed by a physician before considering possible solutions. Product ratings for male infertilityScience Ratings Nutritional Supplements Herbs Vitamin C (for sperm agglutination only) Zinc (for deficiency) Arginine L-carnitine Selenium Vitamin B12 Asian ginseng Maca Acetylcarnitine Coenzyme Q10 SAMe Vitamin E Reliable and relatively consistent scientific data showing a substantial health benefit. Contradictory, insufficient, or preliminary studies suggesting a health benefit or minimal health benefit. For an herb, supported by traditional use but minimal or no scientific evidence. For a supplement, little scientific support and/or minimal health benefit. What are the symptoms? The inability of a couple to become pregnant after one year of regular, unprotected sex may indicate infertility of one or both sexual partners. Low sperm count in the semen, decreased sperm motility, or abnormal shape of the sperm are responsible for infertility in about 40% of these couples. Medical options Initial treatments may include timing sexual activity for ovulation (usually during the second week of the menstrual cycle), avoiding drugs that may reduce sperm count, and limiting intercourse to no more than once every three days, except during ovulation. Artificial insemination can also be used to place sperm directly in the cervix or uterus. Another more advanced procedure is called “in vitro fertilization” (IVF), wherein the man’s sperm and the woman’s egg (collected from the ovary in a surgical procedure) are combined under controlled conditions in a laboratory. The fertilized embryo is then implanted into the woman’s uterus. The injectable drug follitropin alfa (Gonal-f®) may be beneficial in certain situations. Clomiphene (Clomid®), though controversial, and anastrozole (Arimidex®) might also improve fertility in some men. Dietary changes that may be helpful In a study of men with poor sperm quality, excessive alcohol consumption was associated with a decrease in the percentage of normal sperm.1 In a study of Danish greenhouse workers, an unexpectedly high sperm count was found among organic farmers, who grew their products without the use pesticides or chemical fertilizers. The sperm count was more than twice as high in these men as in a control group of blue-collar workers.2 Although these findings are not definitive, they suggest that consuming organically grown foods may enhance fertility. Lifestyle changes that may be helpful Some conventional medications can interfere with fertility. If in doubt, men taking prescription drugs should consult their physician. The optimal temperature of the testes for sperm production is slightly lower than body temperature, which is why the testes hang away from the body in the scrotum. Men with low sperm counts are frequently advised to minimize lifestyle factors that may overheat the testes, such as wearing tight (e.g., “bikini-style”) underwear or frequently using spas and hot baths. Environmental exposures (e.g., formaldehyde), smoking, and use of recreational drugs (e.g., marijuana, cocaine, hashish) may reduce sperm count or cause abnormal sperm morphology (shape).3 4 Smoking adversely affects the semen quality of infertile men.5 Vitamins that may be helpful Vitamin C protects sperm from oxidative damage.6 Supplementing vitamin C improves the quality of sperm in smokers.7 When sperm stick together (a condition called agglutination), fertility is reduced. Vitamin C reduces sperm agglutination,8 and supplementation with 200–1,000 mg per day increased the fertility of men with this condition in a controlled study.9 10 Many doctors recommend 1 gram of vitamin C per day for infertile men, particularly those diagnosed with sperm agglutination. However, a double-blind trial studying the effects of combined vitamin C and vitamin E supplementation found no improvements in semen quality among men with low sperm motility.11 Zinc deficiency leads to reduced numbers of sperm and impotence in men.12 The correlation between blood levels of zinc and sperm quality remains controversial. Infertile men have been reported to have lower levels of zinc in their semen, than do men with normal fertility.13 Similarly, men with normal sperm density tend to have higher amounts of zinc in their semen, than do men with low sperm counts.14 However, other studies have found that a high concentration of zinc in the semen is related to decreased sperm motility in infertile men.15 16 A few studies have shown that oral zinc supplementation improves both sperm count17 18 motility,19 20 and the physical characteristics of sperm in some groups of infertile men.21 For infertile men with low semen zinc levels, a preliminary trial found that zinc supplements (240 mg per day) increased sperm counts and possibly contributed to successful impregnation by 3 of the 11 men.22 However, these studies all included small numbers of volunteers, and thus the impact of their conclusions is limited. In a controlled trial, 100 men with low sperm motility received either 57 mg of zinc twice daily or a placebo.23 After three months, there was significant improvement in sperm quality, sperm count, sperm motility, and fertilizing capacity of the sperm. The ideal amount of supplemental zinc remains unknown, but some doctors recommend 30 mg two times per day. Long-term zinc supplementation requires 1–2 mg of copper per day to prevent copper deficiency. Arginine, an amino acid found in many foods, is needed to produce sperm. Research, most of which is preliminary shows that several months of L-arginine supplementation increases sperm count, quality,24 25 26 and fertility.27 28 However, when the initial sperm count was extremely low (such as less than 10 million per ml), L-arginine supplementation produced little or no benefit.29 30 While some pregnancies have been attributed to arginine supplementation in preliminary reports,31 no controlled research has confirmed these claims. For infertile men with sperm counts greater than 10 million per milliliter, many doctors recommend up to 4 grams of L-arginine per day for several months. In a double-blind study of infertile men with reduced sperm motility, supplementation with selenium (100 mcg per day for three months) significantly increased sperm motility, but had no effect on sperm count. Eleven percent of 46 men receiving selenium achieved paternity, compared with none of 18 men receiving a placebo.32 Vitamin B12 is needed to maintain fertility. Vitamin B12 injections have increased sperm counts for men with low numbers of sperm.33 These results have been duplicated in double-blind research.34 In one study, a group of infertile men were given oral vitamin B12 supplements (1,500 mcg per day of methylcobalamin) for 2 to 13 months. Approximately 60% of those taking the supplement experienced improved sperm counts.35 However, controlled trials are needed to confirm these preliminary results. Men seeking vitamin B12 injections should consult a physician. L-carnitine is a substance made in the body and also found in supplements and some foods (such as meat). It appears to be necessary for normal functioning of sperm cells. In preliminary studies, supplementing with 3–4 grams per day for four months helped to normalize sperm motility in men with low sperm quality.36 37 While the majority of clinical trials have used L-carnitine, one preliminary trial found that acetylcarnitine (4 grams per day) may also prove useful for treatment of male infertility caused by low quantities of immobile sperm.38 Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a nutrient used by the body in the production of energy. While its exact role in the formation of sperm is unknown, there is evidence that as little as 10 mg per day (over a two-week period) will increase sperm count and motility.39 In one study, men with low sperm counts were given CoQ10 (60 mg per day for about three months). No significant change was noted in most sperm parameters, but a significant improvement was noted in in-vitro fertilization rates.40 Vitamin E deficiency in animals leads to infertility.41 In a preliminary human trial, 100–200 IU of vitamin E given daily to both partners of infertile couples led to a significant increase in fertility.42 Vitamin E supplementation may enhance fertility by decreasing free-radical damage to sperm cells. In another preliminary study, men with low fertilization rates in previous attempts at in vitro fertilization were given 200 IU of vitamin E per day for three months.43 After one month of supplementation, fertilization rates increased significantly, and the amount of oxidative stress on sperm cells decreased. However, the evidence in favor of vitamin E remains preliminary. A review of research on vitamin E for male infertility concluded that there is no justification for its use in treating this condition.44 Controlled trials are needed to validate these promising preliminary findings. Preliminary research suggests that oral SAMe (S-adenosyl-L-methionine), in amounts of 800 mg per day, may also increase sperm activity in infertile men.45 Calcium is a key regulator of human sperm function.46 The concentration of calcium in semen determines sperm motility (i.e., the ability of sperm to move spontaneously).47 48 However, calcium deficiency has not been confirmed as a cause of male infertility nor is there any evidence that calcium supplementation improves male infertility. Are there any side effects or interactions? Refer to the individual supplement for information about any side effects or interactions. Herbs that may be helpful Asian ginseng may prove useful for male infertility. One preliminary study found that 4 grams of Asian ginseng per day for three months led to an improvement in sperm count and sperm motility.49 A small clinical trial found that healthy men who took dried maca powder had increased sperm counts and enhanced sperm motility.50 Are there any side effects or interactions? Refer to the individual herb for information about any side effects or interactions. Holistic approaches that may be helpful Acupuncture may be helpful in the treatment of some cases of male infertility due to impairment of sperm function. A controlled study of men with reduced sperm function found that one measure of sperm function significantly improved in the men treated with acupuncture (two times per week for five weeks) compared to controls.51 Similar results have been reported in other studies.52 53 Nevertheless, double-blind trials are needed to determine conclusively whether acupuncture is a useful treatment for male infertility. References: 1. Goverde HJM, Dekker HS, Janssen HJG, et al. Semen quality and frequency of smoking and alcohol consumption - an explorative study. Int J Fertil 1995;40:135–8. 2. Abell A, Ernst E, Bonde JP. High sperm density among members of organic farmers’ association. Lancet 1994;343:1498. 3. Hruska KS, Furth PA, Seifer DB, et al. Environmental factors in infertility. Clin Obstet Gynecol 2000;43:821–9. 4. Wang SL, Wang XR, Chia SE, et al. A study on occupational exposure to petrochemicals and smoking on seminal quality. J Androl 2001;22:73–8. 5. Zhang JP, Meng QY, Wang Q, et al. Effect of smoking on semen quality of infertile men in Shandong, China. Asian J Androl 2000;2:143–6. 6. Fraga CG, Motchnik PA, Shigenaga MK, et al. Ascorbic acid protects against endogenous oxidative DNA damage in human sperm. Proc Natl Acad Sci 1991;88:11003–6. 7. Dawson EB, Harris WA, Teter MC, Powell LC. Effect of ascorbic acid supplementation on the sperm quality of smokers. Fertil Steril 1992;58:1034–9. 8. Dawson EB, Harris WA, McGanity WJ. Effect of ascorbic acid on sperm fertility. Fed Proc 1983;42:531 [abstr 31403]. 9. Dawson EB, Harris WA, Powell LC. Relationship between ascorbic acid and male fertility. In: Aspects of Some Vitamins, Minerals and Enzymes in Health and Disease, ed. GH Bourne. World Rev Nutr Diet 1990;62:1–26 [review]. 10. Dawson EB, Harris WA, Rankin WE, et al. Effect of ascorbic acid on male fertility. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1987;498:312–23. 11. Rolf C, Cooper TG, Yeung CH, Nieschlag E. Antioxidant treatment of patients with asthenozoospermia or moderate oligoasthenozoospermia with high-dose vitamin C and vitamin E: a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study. Hum Reprod 1999;14:1028–33. 12. Prasad AS, Cossack ZT. Zinc supplementation and growth in sickle cell disease. Ann Intern Med 1984;100:367–71. 13. Kvist U, Kjellberg S, Bjorndahl L, et al. Seminal fluid from men with agenesis of the Wolffian ducts: zinc-binding properties and effects on sperm chromatin stability. Int J Androl 1990;13:245–52. 14. Saaranen M, Suistomaa U, Kantola M, et al. Lead, magnesium, selenium and zinc in human seminal fluid: comparison with semen parameters and fertility. Hum Reprod 1987;2:475–9. 15. Danscher G, Hammen R, Fjerdingstad E, Rebbe H. Zinc content of human ejaculate and motility of sperm cells. Int J Androl 1978;1:576–81. 16. Carpino A, Siciliano L, Petroni MF, et al. Low seminal zinc bound to high molecular weight proteins in asthenozoospermic patients: evidence of increased sperm zinc content in oligoasthenozoospermic patients. Hum Reprod 1998;13:111–4. 17. Stankovic H, Mikac-Devic D. Zinc and copper in human semen. Clin Chim Acta 1976;70:123–6. 18. Hartoma TR, Nahoul K, Netter A. Zinc, plasma androgens and male sterility. Lancet 1977;2:1125–6. 19. Stankovic H, Mikac-Devic D. Zinc and copper in human semen. Clin Chim Acta 1976;70:123–6. 20. Kynaston HG, Lewis-Jones DI, Lynch RV, Desmond AD. Changes in seminal quality following oral zinc therapy. Andrologia 1988;20:21–2. 21. Tikkiwal M, Ajmera RL, Mathur NK. Effect of zinc administration on seminal zinc and fertility of oligospermic males. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 1987;31:30–4. 22. Marmar JL, Katz S, Praiss DE, DeBenedictis TJ. Semen zinc levels in infertile and postvasectomy patients and patients with prostatitis. Fertil Steril 1975:26:1057–63. 23. Omu AE, Dashti H, Al-Othman S. Treatment of asthenozoospermia with zinc sulphate: andrological, immunological and obstetric outcome. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 1998;79:179–84. 24. De Aloysio D, Mantuano R, Mauloni M, Nicoletti G. The clinical use of arginine aspartate in male infertility. Acta Eur Fertil 1982;13:133–67. 25. Tanimura J. Studies on arginine in human semen. Part II. The effects of medication with L-arginine-HCl on male infertility. Bull Osaka Med School 1967;13:84–9. 26. Scibona M, Meschini P, Capparelli S, et al. L-arginine and male infertility. Minerva Urol Nefrol 1994;46:251–3. 27. Schacter A, Goldman JA, Zukerman Z. Treatment of oligospermia with the amino acid arginine. J Urol 1973;110:311–3. 28. Schacter A, Friedman S, Goldman JA, Eckerling B. Treatment of oligospermia with the amino acid arginine. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 1973;11:206–9. 29. Mroueh A. Effect of arginine on oligospermia. Fertil Steril 1970:21:217–9. 30. Pryor JP, Blandy JP, Evans P, et al. Controlled clinical trial of arginine for infertile men with oligozoospermia. Br J Urol 1978;50:47–50. 31. Aydin S, Inci O, Alagol B. The role of arginine, indomethacin and kallikrein in the treatment of oligoasthenospermia. Int Urol Nephrol 1995;27:199–202. 32. Scott R, MacPherson A, Yates RWS, et al. The effect of oral selenium supplementation on human sperm motility. Br J Urol 1998;82:76–80. 33. Sandler B, Faragher B. Treatment of oligospermia with vitamin B12. Infertility 1984;7:133–8. 34. Kumamoto Y, Maruta H, Ishigami J, et al. Clinical efficacy of mecobalamin in treatment of oligozoospermia. Acta Urol Jpn 1988;34:1109–32. 35. Isoyama R, Baba Y, Harada H, et al. Clinical experience of methyl-cobalamin (CH3-B12)/clomiphene citrate combined treatment in male infertility. Hinyokika Kiyo 1986;32:1177–83 [in Japanese]. 36. Costa M, Canale D, Filicori M, et al. L-carnitine in idiopathic asthenozoospermia: a multicenter study. Andrologia 1994;26:155–9. 37. Vitali G, Parente R, Melotti C. Carnitine supplementation in human idiopathic asthenospermia: clinical results. Drugs Exp Clin Res 1995;21:157–9. 38. Moncada ML, Vicari E, Cimino C, et al. Effect of acetylcarnitine treatment in oligoasthenospermic patients. Acta Europaea Fertilitatis 1992;23:221–4. 39. Tanimura J. Studies on arginine in human semen. Part III. The influences of several drugs on male infertility. Bull Osaka Med School 1967;13:90–100. 40. Lewin A, Lavon H. The effect of coenzyme Q10 on sperm motility and function. Mol Aspects Med 1997;18 Suppl:S213–9. 41. Thiessen DD, Ondrusek G, Coleman RV. Vitamin E and sex behavior in mice. Nutr Metab 1975;18:116–9. 42. Bayer R. Treatment of infertility with vitamin E. Int J Fertil 1960;5:70–8. 43. Geva E, Bartoov B, Zabludovsky N, et al. The effect of antioxidant treatment on human spermatozoa and fertilization rate in an in vitro fertilization program. Fertil Steril 1996;66:430–4. 44. Martin-Du Pan RC, Sakkas D. Is antioxidant therapy a promising strategy to improve human reproduction? Are anti-oxidants useful in the treatment of male infertility? Hum Reprod 1998;13:2984–5. 45. Piacentino R, Malara D, Zaccheo F, et al. Preliminary study of the use of s. adenosyl methionine in the management of male sterility. Minerva Ginecologica 1991;43:191–3 [in Italian]. 46. Hong CY, Chiang BN, Turner P. Calcium ion is the key regulator of human sperm function. Lancet 1984;2:1449–51. 47. 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Modification of semen quality by acupuncture in subfertile males. Geburtshilfe Fraunheilkd 1984;44:510–2 [in German].

Homeopathy: The Safest Medicine for Pregnancy and Labor - Healing with Homeopathy

at 12:11 AM

The Safest Medicine

Homeopathy is the safest form of medicine you will ever find, plain and simple. Safe for pregnant moms, for newborn babes, for debilitated, elderly folks at the end of their lives, patients who are hypersensitive to other medications, and for animals of all sizes and species. Homeopathic medicines are made from any substance in nature. You name it and it's a potential homeopathic treatment. Honeybee, table salt, sea water, every flower, plant or tree you can think of -- they're all potential homeopathic medicines to treat a variety of physical, mental, and emotional complaints, either acute or chronic.

Pregnant women, with good reason, are wary of conventional medications. Some, such as thalidomide, have been clearly and publicly implicated in serious congenital malformation. Others, including Prozac, have been shown to cause minor birth defects but they are so well-advertised that you would only discover such a problem by carefully examining the scientific literature as we did (Reichenberg-Ullman and Ullman, Prozac-Free (Prima, 1999, p 23). Many other pharmaceuticals have not been adequately tested during pregnancy. Although, in general, herbs are gentler and safer than prescription medications, many are contraindicated during pregnancy. Not so with homeopathy. A pregnant woman can rest assured that homeopathic medicines are absolutely safe. If a woman wants to self-treat during pregnancy she needs to make sure that the condition she is treating is uncomplicated and acute, rather than chronic, and needs to follow the guidelines carefully. (Our book, Homeopathic Self-Care: The Quick and Easy Guide for the Whole Family, and other books written by experienced professionals rather than writers with no clinical experience, are what we recommend.) The most trouble she can generally get into by treating herself with homeopathy is that an incorrectly chosen medicine will have no effect or, by taking a medicine far too often one can (rarely) develop symptoms of the remedy (proving symptoms). These will go away rapidly when the homeopathic medicine is discontinued. However, many pregnant women and new moms prefer treatment from an expert, which is often the best course of action. In this article we will share our experience in treating pregnant women and babies over the past nearly 20 years including several cases from our practice. Homeopathy During Pregnancy Homeopathy can be quickly and remarkably effective for many symptoms and conditions arising during pregnancy. If a pregnant woman inquires, "What is the one best thing I can do to insure that my baby is born healthy?" a homeopath will answer, "take your own constitutional medicine as early in the pregnancy as possible." Hahnemann readily encouraged healthy diet and hygiene, so optimal prenatal diet and nutritional supplementation, medical care, lifestyle, and peace of mind are essential. But, in addition, the more in balance a pregnant mom is on an energetic level, the smoother labor is likely to proceed and the greater the chance of giving birth to a vibrantly healthy baby. There are no guarantees in utero. A certain number of babies will be born with a variety of genetic defects and congenital abnormalities. Correct homeopathic prescribing during pregnancy simply increases the likelihood of a healthy child. Homeopathy can treat nearly any condition in a pregnant woman. Just to give you an example of how it works, we present information on morning sickness, perhaps the most common complaint we treat during pregnancy. There are two distinct ways in which homeopathy can treat morning sickness. If your overall health is quite good, morning sickness is your only real complaint, and the symptoms are quite straightforward, you may be able to treat yourself quite successfully. The following information is drawn from Judyth's book, Whole Woman Homeopathy: The Comprehensive Guide to Treating PMS, Menopause, Cystitis, and Other Problems- Naturally and Effectively (Prima, 2000, p 140-141). We are limited by our contract with Prima to a 1500-word excerpt, but you will find details on how and when to take the medicines in the book. Acute Homeopathic Self-Care for Morning Sickness * The most common medicines for morning sickness are Sepia and Colchicum. * When aversion to the smell of food is the strongest symptom, consider Colchicum first. * For severe vomiting, use Ipecac and for the most terrible nausea, use Tabacum. * When aversion to sex is a strong symptom, consider Sepia or Kreosotum. * Sepia is for conditions that are much better from vigorous exercise or dancing, which differentiates it from the motion sickness medicines such as Tabacum and Cocculus. The latter two are for symptoms that are much worse, not better, from motion. * Veratrum is the medicine of choice if you are very cold, are suffering from vomiting and diarrhea, and would die for fruit, ice, and sour foods like pickles or lemons A woman should notice at least a 50%, often 75% or more, improvement in her nausea of pregnancy within one to two weeks after taking the proper homeopathic medicine.

Homeopathy: The Safest Medicine for Pregnancy and Labor - Healing with Homeopathy

at 12:11 AM

The Safest Medicine

Homeopathy is the safest form of medicine you will ever find, plain and simple. Safe for pregnant moms, for newborn babes, for debilitated, elderly folks at the end of their lives, patients who are hypersensitive to other medications, and for animals of all sizes and species. Homeopathic medicines are made from any substance in nature. You name it and it's a potential homeopathic treatment. Honeybee, table salt, sea water, every flower, plant or tree you can think of -- they're all potential homeopathic medicines to treat a variety of physical, mental, and emotional complaints, either acute or chronic.

Pregnant women, with good reason, are wary of conventional medications. Some, such as thalidomide, have been clearly and publicly implicated in serious congenital malformation. Others, including Prozac, have been shown to cause minor birth defects but they are so well-advertised that you would only discover such a problem by carefully examining the scientific literature as we did (Reichenberg-Ullman and Ullman, Prozac-Free (Prima, 1999, p 23). Many other pharmaceuticals have not been adequately tested during pregnancy. Although, in general, herbs are gentler and safer than prescription medications, many are contraindicated during pregnancy. Not so with homeopathy. A pregnant woman can rest assured that homeopathic medicines are absolutely safe. If a woman wants to self-treat during pregnancy she needs to make sure that the condition she is treating is uncomplicated and acute, rather than chronic, and needs to follow the guidelines carefully. (Our book, Homeopathic Self-Care: The Quick and Easy Guide for the Whole Family, and other books written by experienced professionals rather than writers with no clinical experience, are what we recommend.) The most trouble she can generally get into by treating herself with homeopathy is that an incorrectly chosen medicine will have no effect or, by taking a medicine far too often one can (rarely) develop symptoms of the remedy (proving symptoms). These will go away rapidly when the homeopathic medicine is discontinued. However, many pregnant women and new moms prefer treatment from an expert, which is often the best course of action. In this article we will share our experience in treating pregnant women and babies over the past nearly 20 years including several cases from our practice. Homeopathy During Pregnancy Homeopathy can be quickly and remarkably effective for many symptoms and conditions arising during pregnancy. If a pregnant woman inquires, "What is the one best thing I can do to insure that my baby is born healthy?" a homeopath will answer, "take your own constitutional medicine as early in the pregnancy as possible." Hahnemann readily encouraged healthy diet and hygiene, so optimal prenatal diet and nutritional supplementation, medical care, lifestyle, and peace of mind are essential. But, in addition, the more in balance a pregnant mom is on an energetic level, the smoother labor is likely to proceed and the greater the chance of giving birth to a vibrantly healthy baby. There are no guarantees in utero. A certain number of babies will be born with a variety of genetic defects and congenital abnormalities. Correct homeopathic prescribing during pregnancy simply increases the likelihood of a healthy child. Homeopathy can treat nearly any condition in a pregnant woman. Just to give you an example of how it works, we present information on morning sickness, perhaps the most common complaint we treat during pregnancy. There are two distinct ways in which homeopathy can treat morning sickness. If your overall health is quite good, morning sickness is your only real complaint, and the symptoms are quite straightforward, you may be able to treat yourself quite successfully. The following information is drawn from Judyth's book, Whole Woman Homeopathy: The Comprehensive Guide to Treating PMS, Menopause, Cystitis, and Other Problems- Naturally and Effectively (Prima, 2000, p 140-141). We are limited by our contract with Prima to a 1500-word excerpt, but you will find details on how and when to take the medicines in the book. Acute Homeopathic Self-Care for Morning Sickness * The most common medicines for morning sickness are Sepia and Colchicum. * When aversion to the smell of food is the strongest symptom, consider Colchicum first. * For severe vomiting, use Ipecac and for the most terrible nausea, use Tabacum. * When aversion to sex is a strong symptom, consider Sepia or Kreosotum. * Sepia is for conditions that are much better from vigorous exercise or dancing, which differentiates it from the motion sickness medicines such as Tabacum and Cocculus. The latter two are for symptoms that are much worse, not better, from motion. * Veratrum is the medicine of choice if you are very cold, are suffering from vomiting and diarrhea, and would die for fruit, ice, and sour foods like pickles or lemons A woman should notice at least a 50%, often 75% or more, improvement in her nausea of pregnancy within one to two weeks after taking the proper homeopathic medicine.

Testing for pregnancy

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From the moment of conception a hormone known as HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin) is present in your blood. This hormone is used by most pregnancy tests to confirm pregnancy though levels usually reach a detectable level only 3-4 weeks after the mother's last menstrual period. Tests may be done at home with a home pregnancy testing kit obtainable from most pharmacies or by a health professional at your doctor’s office or local community health center. We've conceived! The miracle of conception is all the more exciting and profound when it happens to you and your partner! At the moment you find out you have conceived, your whole life will change and you know you are in store for many new and exciting changes, challenges and joys. At the moment of conception, the expecting mother enters the first trimester of her pregnancy… the start of a whole new phase of life. NaturalEco Organics wishes you lots of luck on your new journey! Remember that we are there for you now and throughout your pregnancy and first few years of your new baby's life. You will find lots of information on the NaturalEco Organics website and are also welcome to make use of our free Ask Us email service - with trained health consultants always available to answer your questions and give support.


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Within 24 hours of the union of egg and sperm, the resulting zygote will have begun to grow by rapid cell division. It continues to divide while moving down the fallopian tube towards the uterus where the embryo will implant into the uterine wall and continue to develop throughout pregnancy. Once implantation has occurred, hormones are released in the mother's body which prevent menstruation. This is usually the first indication of pregnancy, along with tender breasts and sometimes nausea.

Twins and multiple pregnancies

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Occasionally two (or even more) eggs are released by the ovary and both fertilized. This results in fraternal twins. This used to be uncommon but the rate of fraternal twins and multiple pregnancies are on the increase due to fertility treatment becoming more popular. Such twins will be no more similar than any other siblings as they have been conceived from separate egg and sperm cells. They may even be of opposite sexes.

More rarely, an embryo splits into two and two new beings begin to develop. This instance will produce identical twins: siblings completely alike in their genetic material though still two distinct beings.


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If a sperm cell does penetrate the egg after ovulation, fertilization has occurred and a new life has been created. Fertilization usually occurs within the mother's fallopian tube - a structure in-between the ovary and uterus (womb).

When the father's sperm cell fertilizes the egg, other sperm cells are immediately prevented from penetrating the egg by a change in the outer protein coat of the ovum. At the moment of fertilization, or conception, much of your child's make-up will be decided. The coloring of hair, skin and eyes, the sex of your baby, and factors influencing height and build, are all determined at fertilization by information on the genetic material or DNA.

Fertility and Contraception

at 12:04 AM
Because Homeopathic medicines can be effective in reestablishing health in women's reproductive organs, it follows that they can be helpful in reestablishing fertility. Homeopathic constitutional care, rather than self-care, is necessary for treating problems of fertility. Some women ask if Homeopathic medicines can be used for contraception. The answer to this question is a definitive "No." Homeopathic medicines create healthy people, and in the process of doing so tend to make people more rather than less fertile. Any pharmacological agent that is strong enough to block conception is also strong enough to cause other physiological disruptions. Birth control pills have been linked to heart disease and to breast cancer, though while some studies have found this latter link, others have not. Various less drastic but still problematic symptoms have also been associated with the use of birth control pills, including increased vaginal bleeding, migraine headaches, bladder infections, depression, and various nutritional deficiencies. Dr. Ronald W. Davey, physician to Queen Elizabeth II, notes that he sometimes uses Homeopathic doses of the Pill to treat women who have suffered from side effects of this drug. To get the best results, however, a woman has to have stopped taking the Pill. Many women have experienced symptoms from the IUD as well. Chellis Glendinning, in her book When Technology Wounds, describes her traumatic experiences with the ill-famed Dalkon shield IUD.3 Ultimately, professional care from a Homeopathic physician helped restore her health when no other treatment was effective. Side effects from conventional drugs and from medical devices generally require the attention of a professional Homeopath, unless the symptoms are extremely minor.

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