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Testing for pregnancy

Thursday, September 24, 2009 at 12:10 AM
From the moment of conception a hormone known as HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin) is present in your blood. This hormone is used by most pregnancy tests to confirm pregnancy though levels usually reach a detectable level only 3-4 weeks after the mother's last menstrual period. Tests may be done at home with a home pregnancy testing kit obtainable from most pharmacies or by a health professional at your doctor’s office or local community health center. We've conceived! The miracle of conception is all the more exciting and profound when it happens to you and your partner! At the moment you find out you have conceived, your whole life will change and you know you are in store for many new and exciting changes, challenges and joys. At the moment of conception, the expecting mother enters the first trimester of her pregnancy… the start of a whole new phase of life. NaturalEco Organics wishes you lots of luck on your new journey! Remember that we are there for you now and throughout your pregnancy and first few years of your new baby's life. You will find lots of information on the NaturalEco Organics website and are also welcome to make use of our free Ask Us email service - with trained health consultants always available to answer your questions and give support.


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