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Asthma Triggers, Prevention, Treatment of Asthma

Thursday, September 24, 2009 at 12:21 AM
Common Asthma Triggers The attack of asthma may start at any time under a particular condition or factor and may last for hours. These conditions or factors are called triggers and differ from person to person. Triggers are not the causes of asthma. They may cause starting of an attack or may worsen the already going on attack. Such triggers may include: Exposure to cold Weather changes Dry and cold weather Humidity Hot weather Physical exertion Lying down at night, especially after mid-night. Talking for a longer time Inhaling smoke particularly of cigarette Strong odors Dust Cold drinks Indigestion Cold bathing Asthma can also be triggered by emotional disturbance and mental stress This list is not exhaustive and complete at all. There might be many other factors that may start or worsen the attack and might be very individual and specific in nature. Treatment of asthma should be planned keeping such factors in view but the treatment would be for the cause not for the trigger. Treatment for the trigger would mean catching the thread from the wrong end. Prevention of Asthma Asthma is a condition that may not be possible to prevent completely but to a great extent one can reduce the suffering and misery associated with it. Following points may be worth consideration. You have to find out what triggers your asthma. As far as possible, avoid the condition that triggers it. Avoid food items, which create mucus in excess. This would differ from person to person. The diet must be changed according to the type of asthma. Remember that diet precautions are not the same for all types of asthma. If you catch cold and have running nose, do not try to dry up the flow too rapidly. If you have an allergy that causes irritation of respiratory system, have it treated properly. Do not postpone till tomorrow. If you live in cold climate, try to keep your body warm as far as possible. If the cause is climatic, see if you can change over to a suitable climate. Most of the times and for most of the people, it may not be possible at all to migrate and live in a different climate but it is a factor that can be considered. Treatment of Asthma Asthma is one of those diseases that do not have permanent cure in modern medicine whereas it can actually be cured by various alternative medicines. There are two types of treatment, those that provide instant but temporary relief and those that gradually cure and prevent further attacks. Modern medical system has good palliative treatment but nothing for permanent cure. Temporary Relief Nebulizers and/or inhalers provide temporary relief. In addition, the sufferer may feel relieved temporarily by one or more of the following conditions, which are different from person to person like triggers: Motion Sitting up straight Bending forward Sitting up with head bent backward Belching Expectoration Vomiting Defecation Taking a hot drink or any other condition specific to the individual Permanent Cure Acupuncture is also said to be effective for permanent treatment of asthma. Herbal treatment can also provide very effective and permanent cure of asthma. Homeopathy has a number of medicines that can treat various conditions of asthma according to modalities. Asthma can be cured permanently if treatment is planned keeping all the modalities in view. In homeopathy, factors and conditions that aggravate or give relief are called modalities, which vary from individual to individual. This precision makes cure of asthma much easier and mostly successful with lasting cure. There is no harm in exploring the system to see if it would be suitable to treat your asthmatic conditions.


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